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Boating Blog
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Introduction to Boating - Power or Sail.


To introduce novice boaters to safe practices in preparing to leave the dock, while underway, and when returning to dock. This standard may be taught in a sailing boat or a power boat. It is expected that the boat will be less than 12 meters in length.




  1. Basic boat check for seaworthiness. 
  2. Review safety equipment location and use. 
  3. Discuss basic safety when participating as crew. 


  1. Participate in preparation of boat for departure. 
  2. Participate in departure from dock as crew. 
  3. Demonstrate safe behaviour while underway. 
  4. Participate in returning to dock as crew. 
  5. Assist in activities required to secure and put away boat.


Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

 For Canadian Boaters

Canadian Boaters 50% Discount

This is an Affiliate Link. 

We have compiled a number of complimentary email series on the topics listed below:

Boating Information

Coastal Navigation 

VHF Radio Operator

Powerboating Information

E Lessons

E Books


 For U.S.A. Boaters

US Boaters 40% Discount

This is an Affiliate Link. 

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Parkland Marine