Intermediate Powerboat Standard. 
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At the completion of the
Intermediate Powerboat Standard you should be able to operate safely as a skipper of a power boat between
8 - 12 metres with inboard engine(s) by day in moderate wind and sea conditions.
Basic Power boat
Standard. VHF Restricted Radio Operator's
Certificate (Maritime Voluntary).
It is recommended the student have recognized first aid and CPR
Intermediate Power boat
Section I:
You must be able
- State the fuel tank capacity and range of
your boat and list what factors could affect the range of the boat under power
- State the water capacity of the selected
boat and the minimum daily water requirements of a person;
- State the causes, prevention and cures for
seasickness as well as the impact seasickness has on the effectiveness of the
- List the appropriate clothing for cruising
and describe how its choice is related to safety and comfort;
- Discuss menu planning and relate it to
suitability for the day's activities;
- List the minimum contents of a first aid kit
for a one week cruise in familiar waters as recommended by Sail Canada;
- List the spare engine parts one might deem
prudent for a one week cruise in familiar waters;
- List the minimum set of tools required for a
one week cruise in local waters:
- List the documents required and the
procedures to be followed when:
a) Proceeding to the USA,
b) Returning to Canada from the USA.
Section II: Living
You must be able
- Discuss galley procedures in
order to minimize the danger of fire, scalding or other galley accidents;
- Describe the common cooking systems (stoves
and fuels) with respect to safety, convenience, speed of cooking and costs;
- Discuss the common types of cabin heaters
with respect to safety, convenience and cost.
Section III: The Inboard
You must be able
Identify the following parts used in the
normal operation of an inboard engine:
Engine cover |
Fuel line |
Fuel level
gauge |
Gear shift
lever |
Fuel tank |
Choke |
Starter |
Engine bed |
Throttle |
shaft |
Rudder post |
Rudder |
Exhaust |
Stuffing box |
coupling |
bearing |
Skeg |
- Name and describe the use of the following
parts of gasoline powered inboard engines:
a) Fuel system: fuel tank, fuel line, fuel filter, fuel-water separator,
b) Ignition system: spark plugs, distributor, ignition wires and coil,
c) Cooling system: water pump, cooling water intake valve and discharge,
thermostat control;
- Name and describe the use of the following
parts of diesel powered inboard engines:
a) Fuel system: fuel tank, fuel line, fuel filter, fuel-water separator, fuel
pump, injectors,
b) Cooling system: water pump, cooling water intake valve and discharge,
thermostat control;
- Describe the importance of selecting the
correct propeller and the significance of pitch and diameter;
Describe how to check and maintain the
Carburetor |
Stuffing box |
Sea water
strainer |
shaft |
components |
Spark plugs |
Fluid levels |
belt |
Water pump
belt |
Electric starter and
battery |
Power controls and
linkages |
Fuel tanks; |
- Describe probable causes and troubleshooting
for the following situations:
a) Engine will not start or is difficult to start,
b) Engine overheats,
c) Engine seems to he running well but then slows down and knocks,
d) Engine spits, coughs or slows,
e) Engine knocks excessively,
f) Engine stops suddenly,
g) Engine is running well but boat is not moving well,
h) Excessive vibration;
- List and describe the required steps to
winterize both inboard diesel and gasoline engines.
Section IV:
You must be able
- List from memory the DOT required
items for a boat between 5.5 and 8 metres and between 8 and 12 metres in length as stated in the
Safe Boating Guide;
- Describe the difference in size and fire
fighting capacity between a BI and BII fire extinguishers;
- Describe the common sources of fire and/or
explosion on a power boat and methods of prevention;
- Describe the procedure for the safe
operation of an alcohol and propane operated stove;
- Describe the use of each of the different
types of flares as stated in the Safe Boating
Guide, their proper storage, and the method and safety precautions in
using them;
- State the factors to be considered before
allowing any crew members to go swimming while the boat is at anchor;
- a) Define hypothermia and describe the major
areas of heat loss to the body,
b) Describe treatment for mild and severe hypothermia,
c) List correct actions to be taken by a victim in cold water to increase
survival time.
Section V:
You must be able
- Describe the attributes of a good
anchorage, suitable ground tackle and scope requirements for anchoring, and other considerations including
appropriate lights for:
a) A short period of time,
b) Overnight;
- Describe the methods and precautions to take
when rafting at anchor;
- Describe the actions to be taken to prevent
a dinghy from bumping against an anchored boat during the night;
- List some precautions that should be taken
in preparation for heavy weather;
Describe the action to be taken in the
following situations:
a) Springing a
leak |
f) Capsizing your
boat |
b) Steering
fails |
g) Running
aground |
c) Dragging
anchor |
h) Fouling the
propeller |
d) Fire |
Enginefailure |
e)Collision with another
boat |
- Describe the best method of handling a boat
when the following emergencies occur:
a) The engine cooling water fails to flow,
b) The engine fails in an anchorage or busy
- Describe three methods of recovering fouled
- Describe the proper operating procedures for
the marine head and list precautions necessary to prevent malfunction;
- Describe how to secure the boat with an
anchor on the bow or stern and the opposite end made fast to a dock or shore;
- Describe the use of a breast anchor to hold
the boat away from a wharf;
- Describe the information required and the
procedure to be followed when tying a boat to a fixed dock in tidal conditions.
Describe the characteristics, limitations,
and uses of the following rope:
Polypropylene |
Dacron |
Nylon. |
Section VI:
You must be able
- Describe the effect of local
heating and cooling of land and water as related to wind and cloud formation;
- Identify conditions likely to lead to the
formation of fog;
- List three sources of marine weather
- Describe local weather hazards, the warning
expected, and the identification for both the warning and the hazard. Provide suitable action to be taken to
reduce or avoid their effects;
- Interpret the marine weather forecast
applicable to the area of operation.
Section VII:
You must be able
- List the precautions needed to
ensure that the compass receives no undue magnetic influences;
Obtain the following information from the
Canadian Hydrographic chart of the local area:
a) Depth of
water |
d) Buoys and navigation
aids |
b) Types of
bottom |
e) Lights and
beacons |
c) Underwater
hazards |
f) Distance
scale; |
- Use the Tide and Current Tables to
a) Times and heights of tides at reference ports,
b) Direction and rate of current at reference
- Convert direction from true to magnetic to
- Convert direction from compass to magnetic
to true;
- Determine speed, time and distance when any
two are known;
- Determine estimated time of position (ETA)
and revised ETA.
Section VIII: Boating
Regulations and Rules of the Road
You must be able
- Describe the types of accidents
which need to be reported and which authority is responsible;
- Apply Collision Regulations Rules 1 through 24 by
means of diagrams;
- State the lights required by a boat under
power, under sail, under or giving a tow, and at anchor;
- Describe the actions and precautions to be
taken reduced visibility;
- Describe the installation, use, capabilities
and limitations of a radar reflector;
- List six internationally recognized distress
signals as stated in the Safe Boating
Section IX: Nautical
You must be able
- List the proper courtesies for
operating in restricted passages, in harbours and providing assistance to other
- List several methods for minimizing the
environmental impact of a power boat,
- Describe the skipper's responsibilities and
actions for the following common courtesies and customs of the yachting community:
a) Permission to board,
b) Permission and entitlement to come alongside,
c) Courtesy in crossing adjacent boats when rafted,
d) Rights of first boat at an anchorage,
e) Keeping clear of boats racing,
f) Flag etiquette regarding national, courtesty, house flags and
g) Offering assistance to other boaters in
AFLOAT SKILLS - Intermediate Power boat Standard
continues on Page 2