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Boating Blog
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Boating Software & Tide Programs

These boating software & Tide programs are used almost every day.  Most of them are free.

Docking Simulator Practice docking a powerboat where you can adjust the wind and current

NavRules Windows software for learning the International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea commonly known as Colregs.

Starpath; Programs for Radar Trainer (In stock), Weather Trainer, Chart Trainer, Bowditch Plus!, Nav Rules Plus!, Starpilot

Volvo Ocean Race Simulator - learn to steer and trim your sail

   Tide Programs

 BC Tides Links to tide software

 cTide tide prediction software for PocketPC's

  Tides for Windows; Installed on my laptop

 WXTide32 - a free Windows tide and current prediction program

Tide Predictions - Canadian Hydrographic Service

iPhone Tides

Tide App Native

Android Tides  TideApp shows currents also, so I have read

Tide Prediction




Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

 For Canadian Boaters

Canadian Boaters 50% Discount

This is an Affiliate Link. 

We have compiled a number of complimentary email series on the topics listed below:

Boating Information

Coastal Navigation 

VHF Radio Operator

Powerboating Information

E Lessons

E Books


 For U.S.A. Boaters

US Boaters 40% Discount

This is an Affiliate Link. 

Supporters of
Parkland Marine