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Pleasure craft operator card

Take a course, get your card and boat safely



(NC)—Knowing the rules of the waterways is essential to safe boating. Knowing how to spot danger and how to react are just as important. Taking a course can give you the tools to help yourself, as well as others, if faced with a dangerous situation on the water.

You'll learn basic boating safety such as laws and regulations that apply to boaters, preparing for a trip, how to share waterways with others, and what do in an emergency.

You could be detained, fined or worse…you or someone you love could die from your lack of knowledge. Passing a test to get your Pleasure Craft Operator Card may be mandatory but it's not enough; take a safe boating course.

A list of providers who offer accredited courses and more information on getting your card are available at or call toll-free 1-800-267-6687.

- News Canada www.newscanada.comPleasure Craft Operator Card


Please note:

a person is competent to operate a pleasure craft if the person had successfully completed a boating safety course in Canada before April 1, 1999 and has a Boating Safety Course Completion Card or other written proof of that completion;

Some acceptable courses are CPS Boating and Sail Canada Basic Cruising or Basic Powerboating. 


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Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
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