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Marine Personnel Regulations Requirements for Small non-Pleasure Vessels


Section 211 of the Marine Personnel Regulations requires that every boat that is required to carry an inspection certificate is also required to carry a Safe Manning Document, setting out the numbers of crew and their qualifications.

Section 9 of the Vessel Certificate Regulations specifies that the following boats must carry Canadian Vessel Inspection Certificates:

 Vessels of 15 gross tonnage or less that carry more than 12 passengers

 Vessels of more than 15 gross tonnage

 Pleasure craft and commercial river rafts are exempt.

The operator certification requirements for boats not required to carry a Safe Manning Document are set out below.

Master / Operator Requirements

The following table shows the operator requirements according to section 212 of the Marine Personnel Regulations for boats < 15 GT operating in certain areas.

Passenger-Carrying Vessels ( 12 passengers)

                                                    Near Coastal 2 (NC2)



 Near Coastal 1

 > 2 Nm. from shore

  2 Nm. from shore

 Sheltered Waters


 > 5 GT

 Master 150 GT

 Limited Master < 60 GT

 Limited Master < 60 GT

 Limited Master < 60 GT


  5 GT and > 8m






 > 6 passengers and  8 m

 if endorsed for





 6 passengers and  8 m

 limited,contiguous waters







SVOP (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency)

PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operator Card)

There are also regulations for workboats and Fishing boats.

This table is for the convenience of users. If any discrepancy is found between the Marine Personnel Regulations and the table, the Regulations shall prevail.

Implementation dates for the table are as follows

Passenger-carrying boat < 5 GT or < 8m Nov 7, 2009

All other operators must comply with the requirements on the coming into force of the regulations.


Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

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