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 AFLOAT SKILLS - Basic Cruising Standard

(18 hours minimum) Boat should be 6 - 10 meters sloop rigged keel boat.

Section VIII: Preliminaries

You must be able to:

  1. Demonstrate on land the correct method of putting on a personal flotation device in the water; 
  2. Demonstrate the correct use of a heaving line; 
  3. Carry out a check of the boat’s gear and equipment in accordance with the Sail Canada Cruising Boat Checklist and demonstrate use and care of onboard equipment; 
  4. Select, bend on, check and stow sails; 
  5. Coil a line and secure (sea coil); 
  6. Properly stow lines and fenders; 
  7. Demonstrate how to belay to a cleat; 
  8. Demonstrate safe winch techniques with particular emphasis on:
    a) possible high strain on sheet/halyard
    b) how to avoid riding turns (and how to clear)
    c) position of hands/fingers
    d) winch handles - fitting and removal.

Section IX: Manoeuvring Under Power

You must be able to:

  1. Start auxiliary engine on boat, observing commonly accepted safety practices; 
  2. Come to a full stop with stern one half boat length away from a buoy using reverse. (The objective of this manoeuvre is to know how much distance is required to bring a boat to a full stop. Vessel is to be kept on a straight course while the manoeurve is being carried out); 
  3. Manoeuvre a boat under power to a position alongside and parallel to a dock, portside to and starboardside to, not more than one meter off without the aid of lines, without the stern passing a given mark at any time during the manoeuvre; 
  4. Apply Rules 5 through 18 of the Collision Regulations as applied to a boat under power; 
  5. Set a anchor under power in water more than 3 meters in depth so as not drag when tested under engine power at half-throttle astern; 
  6. Raise anchor with boat ready and get under way. 

Section X: Handling Under Sail

You must be able to:

  1. Hoist the basic sails while under power/at anchor, or mooring (head to wind, main sail first), set appropriate luff tensions, and flake halyards; 
  2. Apply Rules 5 through 18 of the Collision Regulations as applied to a boat under sail; 
  3. Act as skipper and crew giving correct commands and responses while demonstrating the proper techniques of beating, reaching and running; tacking and gybing; heading up, bear away, luffing and heaving to; using the following commands and responses: 
    Commands Responses Alert
    "Head Up"
    "Bear Away"
    "Ease Sheets"
    "Harden Sheets"
    "Ready About" "Ready" "Helms-a-Lee"
    "Ready to Gybe" "Ready" "Gybe-ho"
  4. Reduce sail by reefing and shake out a reef while keeping boat under control, either at the helm or controlling the sails, as commanded by the skipper; 
  5. Demonstrate skipper’s action/commands while under sail from the time a member of the crew falls overboard without warning, until the crew is safely recovered. Consider the crew overboard wearing a PFD and able to assist him/herself. Include the following minimum actions:
    a) Sound alarm "Crew Overboard!",
    b) Deploy marker and buoyant object(s),
    c) Appoint and maintain a look out,
    d) Triangle method of return (under sail),
    e) Describe at least two methods of getting a person out of the water and back aboard.
    The student must be able to perform returns both under power and sail. For these manoeuvres the crew can consist of three or more, but the student is to describe the actions to be taken if one of a two person crew falls overboard also, with the boat under sail.
  6. Lower sail while under power or at anchor or a mooring. 

Section XI: Making Fast and Snugging Down

You must be able to:

  1. Secure a boat to a dock to prevent excessive movement and set out fenders correctly; 
  2. Stop auxiliary engine and secure when departing boat for night, observing commonly accepted safety practices; 
  3. Demonstrate how to secure a boat for the night using appropriate dock lines; 
  4. Tie the following knots, bends and hitches within 30 seconds each: 
    a) reef knot b) bowline c) double sheet bend
    d) figure eight e) clove hitch f) round turn & two half hitches.

Doug Dawson’s e-Lesson focuses on the easy and safe way to securely lower and set anchors and raise them. Anchoring should not be stressful or dangerous. It should be understood, safe and easy.

 Anchor Your Boat

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Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
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