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Many clients have been obtaining their <a title="VHF Radio Operator Course" href="" target="_blank">VHF Operator's Certificate</a>.

One question often asked is "When is a VHF Operator's Certificate required?"

Here is the answer:

Anyone operating a fixed or portable marine radio aboard a boat is required by law to have a Restricted Operator's Certificate (Maritime).

<strong>Note:</strong> Operating a VHF radio without an operator's certificate may result in a fine.

Anyone may use the VHF radio in an emergency, however, if you are not certified, will you know the correct procedures?

A ship station license is not required if you are only boating in Canadian waters.&nbsp; When boating in foreign waters such as the USA, a ship station license is required.&nbsp; You can obtain a ship station license from Industry Canada.

A Ship Station License is also known as a Mobile Station License.


Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

 For Canadian Boaters

Canadian Boaters 50% Discount

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We have compiled a number of complimentary email series on the topics listed below:

Boating Information

Coastal Navigation 

VHF Radio Operator

Powerboating Information

E Lessons

E Books


 For U.S.A. Boaters

US Boaters 40% Discount

This is an Affiliate Link. 

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Parkland Marine