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Standard Description
This is one of the entry level Stan dards in the series of Sail Canada Standards on powerboat operation.  It develops the student’s ability to take command of and operate (with assistance of competent crew) a powerboat, by day, in light to moderate conditions.  Basic boating skills are developed with a focus on operation of the vessel as both crew and skipper.
Terminology used in describing the boat and on water activities is taught and used throughout a course leading to the S tandard .  Practical topics include simple maneuvering skills as well as departure from and return to dock.  Required and recommended safety equipment is discussed as is the handling of emergencies that might be encountered underway.  The basic rules for avoiding collision with other vessels are explained and this information is applied during the practical sessions. The meaning of weather forecasts is clarified and the impact of weather on vessel operation, crew behavior, and on water activities is discussed.  The curriculum includes an elementary introduction to the Canadian navigation system and to the basic use of charts and tide and current tables.
The program may be offered in either a day cruising or liveaboard format.  It is envisioned that the day cruising format will be taught in not less than 17 hours of which at least 9 hours should be devoted to practical sessions on water.  In a liveaboard format the course may be offered over a period of two days or more.  A challenge of the standard may be accomplished in a minimum of 4 hours afloat plus completion of the written examination.
O bjective
To be able to operate safely in local waters as skipper of craft over 6 metres and powered by an engine over 55 kW ( 75 hp).
PCOC Recommended
Ashore Knowledge
Section I: Types of Boats

The candidate must be able to:
1.  Describe the difference between:
     a) Displacement hull and planning hull,
     b) Outboard, inboard/outboard, and inboard engines.
Section II: Parts of the Boat and Terminology
The candidate must be able to:
2.  Identify and describe the following parts of a boat:
Bow                          Beam                   Rudder
Breastlines              Fenders               Spring lines
Chine                       Hatch                    Ventilation system
Cleats                      Gunwale               Deck
Hull                           Keel                      Transom
Head                        Freeboard          Engine well
Stanchions              Bow line                Skeg
Lifelines                   VHF Radio          Stern line
Cabin                       Companion Way
3. Define the following terms:
Aft                             Making way          Ahead
Draft                          No way                  Astern
Port                          Underway              Leeway
Starboard               F orward                 Wash                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wake

Section III: The Engine and the Propulsion Unit

The candidate must be able to:
4. Identify the following parts used in the operation of an outboard, inboard/outboard, or inboard engine:
a)  Common engine parts -
Engine cover           Gear shift lever Choke
Starter                      Throttle               Propeller
Exhaust outlet          Fuel line             Fuel line connectors
Fuel level gauge     Fuel tank             Fluid measuring sticks
Cooling water intake
b)  Outboard and inboard/outboard engine parts -
Tilt/trim buttons        Drive unit           Transom mount bolts
Antiventilation plate
c)  Inboard/outboard and inboard engine parts -
Engine bed              Propeller shaft   Cooling water intake
d)  Inboard engine parts -
Rudder post            Cutless bearing  Rudder
Stuffing box             Flange coupling
5. Name and describe the use of the following:
a) Fuel system: fuel tank, fuel line, fuel filter,
b) Ignition system: spark plugs, distributor, ignition wires and coil,
c) Cooling system: water pump, cooling water intake valve and discharge, thermostat control;
6. Describe the importance of selecting the correct propeller and the significanceof pitch and diameter;
7. Describe how to check and maintain the following:
Sea water strainer   Propeller shaft     Steering components
Spark plugs              Fluid levels           Alternator belt
Water pump belt      Electric starter and battery
Fuel tanks                 Power controls and linkages
8. Describe probable causes and troubleshooting for the following situations:
a) Engine will not start or is difficult to start,
b) Engine overheats,
c) Engine seems to be running well but then slows down and knocks,
d) Engine spits, coughs or slows,
e) Engine knocks excessively,
 f) Engine stops suddenly,
g) Engine is running well but boat is not moving well,
h) Excessive vibration;
9. List and describe the required steps to winterize an outboard, inboard/outboard, and inboard engine.

Section IV: Safety
The candidate must be able to:
10. List from memory:
a) Transport Canada (TC) required items for the candidate’s boat(6 to 9m OR 9 to 12m) (Safe Boating Guide) ,
b) The rules for care of PFDs and life jackets,
c) The recommended method of testing for buoyancy in a PFD,
11. Describe the importance of the Transport Canada information plate attached to the hull of power boats;
12. Define what hypothermia is including:
a) The signs and symptoms and the major areas of heat loss to the body,
b) Steps for prevention,
c) Treatment for mild and severe hypothermia,
d) The actions to be taken by one or more individuals in cold water to increase survival time;
13. Define what cold shock is including:
a) The signs and symptoms,
b) Steps for prevention,
c) Treatment for;


Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

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