A dinghy, inflatable or rigid hulled, may be what your family needs to enjoy boating.
We have used an inflatable dinghy when spending time at lakes.<!--more-->
The dinghy was portable enabling us to explore different bodies of water. The children had great fun
experiencing boating at little cost.
Safety is most important and there are regulations for dinghies
which can be found in the Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide.
If you are considering a dingy for your family, there are many types
available. We suggest the following:
<a href="http://www.boatingwithdawsons.com/365165-7-1-19.html"
target="_blank"><img src="http://www.boatingwithdawsons.com/idevaffiliate/banners/bw_cover10_dinghy.jpg"
alt="Dinghy" width="160" height="200" border="0"></a>