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Boating Blog
Boating in BC header graphic is a site where people of similar interests can get together.

There was a new Meetup group founded in Victoria at the end of April 2012.  There are now 225 members involved.

The <a title="Victoria Boaters" href="" target="_blank">Victoria Boaters's Meetup</a> "are a group of people of all ages who enjoy getting together on or near the water. The make or style of boat is not important, in fact, you don't even need a boat since you can crew! Everyone is welcome regardless of experience."&nbsp; Membership dues are $5.00

There have been several overnight and day sails.&nbsp; The skippers provide their boats and the crew provides the food and beverages.&nbsp; For overnight trips, expenses such as wharfage are shared.

A number of learning events have been held including basic chartwork, knot tying and aids to navigation.

Boaters wishing to meet fellow boaters, may want to search for a Meetup group in your area.

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Bruce Stott
Bruce Stott
President/Chief Instructor
Nautical Experience

 For Canadian Boaters

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Boating Information

Coastal Navigation 

VHF Radio Operator

Powerboating Information

E Lessons

E Books


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